This organization's goal is to inspire and empower women who are interested in starting their own business through a collaborative, innovative, and empowering network. Promote entrepreneurship among Women by increasing their knowledge and providing opportunities his organization's goal is to inspire and empower women who are interested in starting their own business through a collaborative, innovative, and empowering network. Promote entrepreneurship among Women by increasing their knowledge and providing opportunities.
Promote entrepreneurship among Women by increasing their knowledge and providing opportunities.
This organization's goal is to inspire and empower women who are interested in starting their own business through a collaborative, innovative, and empowering network.
CCWE- SL will strive forward with the goal of encouraging and empowering other women with aspirations of starting their own businesses. From diverse backgrounds, we aim to show that there is no such thing as a "perfect business model " approach to business. Instead, it means bringing together the abilities of people with different interests in order to take risks and start a firm. Women and innovation are at the heart of the team we've put together. Our debates and ideas are open and honest because we aim to be thought leaders in the field of female entrepreneurship. We want to improve the professional world's perception of women, especially young women who are the pioneers, inventors, and leaders of our future
Sri Lanka currently has nine provinces, and a minimum of five province should be represented at the Core Committee and the composition is determine to be as follows.